I would understand how she feels, how much she wanted attention...
I would understand when she looks at me for a long time,
that means she wants me to talk to her..
i would understand when she comes near me but didn't talk to me,
that means she wants me to talk to her...
i would understand when she sits there alone , acting like she is working or thinking,
that means she wants me to go next to her and ask her if she needs help..
i would understand when i talk to her and she gets angry,
that means that's not what she wants to hear and what she expected to here...
i would understand when she boast about her self,
that means she wants me to praise her,
i would understand when she flirts with me,
she wants me to pamper her...
I understand , but i am not a boy... and because of boys' lack of observations i have to write this blog... Hello boys? if i were a boy, i think a lot of girls will fall in love with me ... gaga... so don't lose to me, be more sensitive about things... yay!!!! ahaha...