the bits and bits of my life, as i browse through it... Knowing that you are always here watching over me and everybody else, its a relief ....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
we like to move it? or u my dear andrew... wakakaka..
we like to move it move it.. from madagascar... I don't noe why he was singing that coz i wasnt there during that session in the camp, coz i think i was asleep if i am not mistaken.. Sleeping nicely in the room until i was awaken by a " da bush" " da bush" sound... It turns out that sound means they are taking a bath or something...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
a camp where i lost my...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Amiak kena bully
Sunday, July 19, 2009
my Camp

A bunch of thank you to Kugan IShwar selaku naib pengerusi , Prema Dass selaku setiausaha , Rabiatul selaku Naib setiausaha, Teh Sin Fang selaku Bendahari.. dan ajk - ajk : Amir , Aida, SHalenee, Mus, Vivian, Ong ZI hao, Lim Wei zhuang and Shubashini .. And a bunch of love to our Fasi who help us through this camp especially Ku for being there when i am down and under... Fasi : Anchalee , Aaron Wong, Sukhdave, Aina, Lip qi, Lee Sin, Azreen , and Anis...
I want a hug?!
Although it was my idea, i still don't get what is going on, but i still think it is damn funny... U should have got peserta terbaik award... go andrew go... haha...
A poll dancing experience...
If those of you don't understand what the bottle is for, its actually the poll ...gaga... NOTE : this is SO NOT PORN... and the video was taken in my 2009 Perkhemahan Tahunan for pengawas yang belum diperwatikahkan... gaga..
Ladies and Gentlemen, Presenting - A_D_ _W and A_ _ R... Hope you enjoy.. haha...
Friday, July 3, 2009
mr mysterious
Mr bodyguard sir
My fav pose..
HAC - we are ahli jemputan

Hari Anugerah cemerlang just passed.. man, it was ok .. very very extremely hot though.. But the " hot" paid off, coz the sultan of kedah came.. He is so cute, very nice man although i never talked to him, from looks, he is very nice la.. haha... The pics shows the ahli jemputan for HAC... I got sesi petang, so you can actually imagine how HOT i was, haha... with the blazer and all... haiz, nonetheless its was gud , for me haha.
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