so its like this.. Zcho en was suppose to go back home with me and i managed to push SF ( a guy, No i dont hav a crush on him wat so eva, he is just a fren, haha ) anyways, to go home with me to at least take a bath ma.. I am NOT , i repeat NOT a prevert hahaha.. Amir and Naufal went out together with me, and they went into my car lol,.. i was so freaked out.. anyways, some buses blocked my car so i had to reverse out, i can't see the back so SF had to help me by directing from the back, i knew he was useful in someway hahah... anyways.. the annoying parts starts.. ZE sitting in the passanger's seat kept on changing the radio channel, again and again and again , while SF was like change that channel la, no that, no this.. I swear i was going to scream shut up.. After sending Mimi back home, i wasn't sure bout the road, but those two annoying ppl did not help at all, ZE said left, and SF said right, I was about to cry i swear haha.. Anyways, the police was on duty and SF was like OMG omg OMG police how OMG police.. It freaked me out like totally.. haha.. anyways i guessed i was too excited.. when i got back home , i just took the key to the engine off, and the car went back and SF was like u din pull the hand break, i realised i din even change the gear to park.. apart from those minor mistakes, i am an excellent driver ok? ghaha... lol.. den after everything done, i kept looking in the mirror and asking SF and ZE, m i beautiful ? ( i meant what i wore ).. they were like beautiful la beautiful la.. so not serious neways, i was so late + i hav to fetch mimi and cookie, den i knocked onto the stones in sp inn, so paiseh, an indian guy look at me one kind.. hahaha.
lolx... the majlis started without us.. hahaha

one of my fav teachers - cikgu akibi.. hahaha ..... He is one of the few teachers that hav fashion sense

he picked that spot coz he said he'll b surrounded by girls.. lol... hahaha he is rite

te super junior crew.. ok, the good about being the assitant to the head prefect.. u get to use ur power to command juniors to dance sorry sorry.. haha... gud job guys..