i am not close with my drama team in 2009, compared to 2008.. i don't know why.. in 2009 they are of the same batch except for ikhwan..but i like ikhwan and some others.. my teammates and i ( some ) not all have no chemistry with me... i sometimes didn't felt like going for practices... it was like a burden... we b!t$h bout each other like everyday, if my fellow teammates see this, i am sorry i am just stating the truth of my past ( lolx)... but i really loved one thing, even if we dun like one another, when we stepped up and enters the stage, we start to do our parts.. we start acting, literally.. enough of the bad past... what i really love was when i started acting.. when i read out my lines, when i did what i am suppose to do, when i have to shout, when i have to cry.. when i have to be nice, every moment of it, i loved it.. i loved when i was on stage i loved when i was watched, i was when people came and said wow that was so touching. i really loved that part, i loved when i can act something and people approve.. Drama is not just an activity for me to get a cert for college, not just an excuse for me to get out of class, its not even some things for fun..
to me being on stage, when thousands of eyes looked my way, the adrenaline, the sweat , the frightened heart, the nervous face , that moment that feeling, was the greatest.. and when i start speaking start doing some kind of hand gesture, start acting, all those fear, the nervous-ness, all just dissappeared... that feeling was the greatest..
Acting is not a hobby to me now, its what i want to become, and what i hope to be... but to others its just a fantasy that i can not have, can i have it ?