awwww... from the title we know that its a sad story.. hahahaha... ok, the good thing dall this is that no more dealing with dicipline, no more getting scared of getting caught.. no more atoms, molecules and ions, no more based on the observation and definitely no more novel yg telah saya kaji ialah novel .. .. yes!!!
sounds fun and perfect .. No more school! but wat am i missing in the end?
let's see how things go...

i am making it look like i cut my self,, hahaha see who would help me.. hahaha.. PK totally freaked out. hahahaha

hahaah,... ok cute rite? lol.. this is what we look like in class.. syok oo. hahaha

lol.. the best teacher ever had!!! love her... muax... we were supposed to help out others to arrange the chairs for SPM, but we were having more fun here.. hahaha..

time SPM when this pic was taken.. lama x jumpa, malu pulak. hahhaha

alot of history with this fren of mine.. she is the best...

wa, SL never take bath ke? so smelly.. hahaha

trust me when i say we argue alot.. a whole lot..

but we love each other so much..

she is one of the most beautiful teachers..

x mau, aku cinta kelas 5 sn 2!!!!!

cikgu paling hensem!!! hehehee

we were planning to do a ss501 pose from the pic.. rasa nya x jadi kut. hahaha

and in the end of the long long day, what's left is only memories we'll cherish forever more, the things we did, the fun we had, and the people we met.
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