ya, u heard me.. i said we are perfect. the definition of being perfect is being good at everything, being flawless, this includes being good at being imperfect, that's perfection for u .. some of u may not understand, some may not comprehend, but wat is a blog if you do not tell people what you think, doesnt matter if there is an audience or a listener, i don't like talking to people bout things like this, except for my very best frens. Being perfect is a mindset. i truly believe we are all perfect in one way.
Some of us may b perfectly beautiful, some perfectly mannered, some perfectly poised. we are only perfect in one way or two, ok three is a possibility. but a beautiful girl can be as rude as a b***h or an ugly duckling, can be so well mannered so poise. we are perfect by being oso imperfect.
i don't understand, why boys are so shallow sumtimes, not saying girls are not, just saying boys are shallower, u see girls in shorts and miniskirts and spaghetti strips and u guys go gaga, the thicker the makeup worn the more saliva u lose. but there are so many doll face beauties, how nany u remember, how many names how many faces, they just look the same..
whereas for girls like me, we are not beautiful but hell, u remember me and my name! ..
i am hungry!
lol.. hahah, u are perfect too!
lol, Yin yi ke? hahahhaha.. of course we are !
Yes YinYi =]
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