so nice they get to get their results on stage! X(
Ok, ppl ask me how was my result , to some i say ok la, to some i say not ok.. coz i really dun noe if its ok or not.. 8A+ and 2 A and 1B ..before the dday i was really emotionless, i wasnt sad wasnt happy wasnt excited at all coz maybe the fact that i am already studying affected me. anyways, when i was bersalam-ing with my PK HEM, he was like : " JOYCE, Y CAM TU? 1 B" i was like :" CIKGU, mengapa u bagitau i, sedih pulak ni!
after multiple ppl went up stage to get their results i was like damn la.. its real. and its bcoz of BC!
i took my result from my teacher and another shocking news 2 As i was like WAT!!!??!!! for acc and bio! T.T i was really so confident dat i was going to get at least 9 A+ and i was hit so hard, ok so not tat hard by reality.. after finding PK, i was crying like hell.. and my mom Scolded me for crying when she said my result was very good.. Its really realy sad for me la.. I was too confident and i was too expecting something. So to some ppl its a good result but to ppl who understand me well enough its not that good for me.. I was never a str8 A student , that's true.. But when it comes to major exams i am no fool.. so sorry for making a big fuss. I was just in shocked!