All our SMKI drama-ians gathered in SHen Yee's house for a hair rising party ( at lest part of the drama-ians ) haha, but nonetheless it was not a bad one, except for the fact that after that party i have to go to the gym to lose some weight.. It was quite fun.. We gambled, hey i won at least RM 6... Its better then my friend who lose RM 14... hoho... Happy CNY my dear friends...
gamble huh...hehe..
once a while.. tak pe la.. hoho...
Hey, that's beh up there! XD..
Geez, i didn't gamble this year, >.<, didn't feel in the gamble-mood..
haha... It's alrite.. the less u gamble the less money u lose , and lesser money u earn.. hahax...
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