As the times go by, i realize that u are no longer by my side... I was selfish then , i only thought of myself and my needs, as i grow older, i grow more selfish... I know that is not how u taught me to be, but i didn't know why i turn out the be like that.. But when i was realizing that i was selfish all along, its already too late, u are really really gone... I wasn't there for your last moments , i wasn't there when i should be, but now when i want to be there, u are already gone... I love you, my dear dear dear Dato' Fang Chok Seong...
A great man that i respect,
A great man that taught me well,
A great man that i look up to,
A great man that i love so much,
A great man that protected his family well...
Although u left your family for a great time now, but i don't know why, a kind of sadness oerwhelmed me... You'll always be in my heart, my gong gong...
I guess i could understand your feelings. Or maybe i couldn't, i don't know.
That was when my grandma passed away last year, and this year though.. There'll always a part missing from my life - grandma.
Tell those whom you love that you love them. Don't wait, as tomorrow might change everything.
"The ones that love us never really leave us." - Quoted from Harry Potter : Prisoner of Azkaban.
Stay strong ya.
ya i know... haha.. staying strong..
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