Thursday, May 28, 2009

Down and Under ? what's wrong ? EMO?! help...

stress , pressurelized , under a lot of weight.. what! i am fat too?!

To be perfect at everything , its not easy .. that's why i never wanted that... but i only try to be perfect at the things i love to do... Me alone trying to make things perfect, is like i am the only one caring for it, it j\hurts when others don't care for it, i can't force them to care for it, but if you don't care so much, what is the purpose of you even joining and complaining about the things i love to do and doing?

Yes , not every one has the same thoughts as u, but at least think of others and choose your words wisely... Yes, i am not you, and you are not me... no body is the same.. we maybe best of friends, but in the end we can be the worst of enemies...

Maybe i am being sensitive , maybe i am being cold sometimes... but i am still human , i still have a heart that contains lots of complex emotions... I don't just go emo for no reason... I just want you people to know, maybe you are telling the truth, maybe you feel happy hurting me... but bare this in mind, i have feelings too.. yes, i am not perfect , i can't always be great and lovable... I sometimes maybe uncall for, maybe unpleasant.. well, aren't you like that too? but u don't have to choose to hurt ok, that's different...

Ya, i agree i am ugly , i am fat, i am every thing that you and your friends have been saying , it hurts , i may act like i am not caring, what for if i jump up and down, i still can't do anything bout it.. yes, i am full of my self, i am arrogant , i am all of those, well aren't we all are? Name me one person who never wants to think good about themselves... Your constant hurting made me that, you people will never shatter my confidence... That's why i am still standing...

Friends? they can be there for you and they can stab you.. A thousand knives have been in my back, haven really recover... what can i do? even an armour suit can break with a constant stab... We can discuss together... Your arrogance , my ego, our pride.. all of them too strong... How? change.... But who is willing? i am, just slowly.. Aren't you suppose to be happy for me when something good happens to me? will shatter it into a thousand pieces of glass for me? i don't need that.. Friends, suppose to give confidence, what have you ever done , than to break me into pieces and waiting for me to fail?! yes , i am sensitive because when once bitten, you will start to fear...

A smiling face is always ungenuine when you have something in your heart and when you tell every one that everything is alrite..

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