Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In the end is just SCRAFS

SCRAFS?! what's that? No, its not the thing you surround with your neck.. it stands for School, Career , Rest ,Apetite, Friends/Family , Sleep...
Nothing else... These are the only important things that make up a great life.. School were everything happens and everything don't happen.. School is were everything starts and ends.. Career , something that we can earn money with , and something we love to do.. Rest, we rest to go the further mile... while resting our mind relaxes, and our view widens . there are more than we thought of seeing.. Appetite.. Some thing to make u hungry and feel like eating... Yum, i am hungry already.. We eat to live and we live to eat.. Friends/ Family, people that can be trusted , and where secrets and gossips are shared... i know we love them more than anything in the world.. Sleep, my most important to do list of all.. I love sleeping... I get everything in it.. An awesome School , Career , i even get to rest, have a big appetite when i wake and my friends and families will be in it .... All in one dream... hehe..

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