6UM????!!! no , yes but no... no i am not twelve, and yes its a reunion of the people who were in that class and no not all were there still it was good...
at first we were like real scared of not being able to communicate, can't talk , talking in packs.. but the night started and ended well at least for me..
i went there fetching ZM and SL.. and went there, din noe how to park my car, and made a fool out of my self neways, JH had to help me park, malunya i.. ahahaha.. neways, we started eating.. and i sat down and talked to my old best fren chu hui and we talked so happy and really 5 years apart din do any harm to us wat so ever.. That's wat i've been hoping for.. when we saw HZ, ok i am not going to lie to u, we thought that he really turn good looking hahahah.. at least ZM and I tot so, SL was like where got, and we were like got la, so handsome, how he turn so handsome, wei he talked to me le just now, and all sorts when i was fetching them home.. hahahahaha
neways, met WS and i was definitely tested, it was so hard to talk to him , feel like vomiting blood hahahah.. and of course shelhiel too.. lol, so kid like.. hahahah.. and i dun noe wat happen i was like i like 6 packs, and ask RY and WS Shelhiel gt not, then they were like ohw, wah, wow.. and ask him to come and actually intended to pull up his shirt.. T.T i dun wan see la and i din see thank god hahahahaha... now the world thinks i m perverted.. the boys gone wild.. hahaha...
it was a fun day ..
the bits and bits of my life, as i browse through it... Knowing that you are always here watching over me and everybody else, its a relief ....
Sunday, December 26, 2010
a church and a camp..
okay b4 u get confused, i am buddhist... that day dongsaeng phoned me, asking me to go to this church camp,, at first to b honest i din wanna go , coz u noe la, like bo ngam.. i felt reluctant... but in the end, bcoz i tot of spending time with her, so i said yes.. see i am not always selfish.. alrite back to my story.. muahahahaha..
at first i went to dongsaeng's house, ate and everything we went to penang str8.. alright.. i was in the car and my body was so numb.. we can't find the place and luckily we found it.. it was ok la.. at least we had air con.. neways, we met a lot of ppl i was glad i went at that time.. so many ppl.. den i got the same group as SEG and dongsaeng , along with Eddy, Cat, Adam, Sherise, Nitya, Sean, PL, Abby.. wow, one big happy family.. hahahah.. Eddy is the dad, i m the mom, Adam's the child, Abby's the child's wife.. hahaha.. lol.. later u'll know why.. neways, during night time, there's this session " ignite"... ok , for sumbody who is not from the christian society, i was in shocked of wat happened.. ok, this pastor was so hilarious, so funny taught us about the bible, and i was really fascinated by the bible, i even read it when dongsaeng was doing her morning prayers.. so after the talk, she prayed for them, so to my shock was that some cried, some fell down, i was in shocked but some frens explained to me. so after that we went for supper, just beside.. lol.. its expensive man..
the next day started with devotion time for me, it was ok, then games and so on and so forth, i aint gonna bore u with my stories and no pics rite? hahah.. ok.. moving on.. alrite, there's this guy, who to me looks alot like a 20+ year old guy, den some body hit me in the face and told me he was 16,... hahahahaha... wei, bad guessing i guessed... lol.. hahaha neways, we had our ignite ur talent moment, where we did dramas and danced.. ok , no laughing i danced.. hahahaha.. lol.. so embarassed.. lol.. back to me again wakakakakka.. i went to eat again with dongsaeng and went to buy a gift for my mom, for her bd.. and so this guy was like rm 25, i was like so expensive, x mau la...
guy : ok, u bagitau u nak berapa?
J : hmm, lol, u nak bg i free x?
guy : x bleh la, nanti i bankgfurf... ( that's how he said it)... you nak berapa?
J :hmm , u nak bg i berapa?
guy : 23, i bg u rm2 discount..
J ; masih mahal la.. x pa . i p dulu..
Guy : u mau berapa?
J : dongsaeng ar, how much just now that girl sell?
Dongsaeng : rm 15..
J oo, x pa la , i p dulu..
Guy : u mau berapa ni?
J : rm 10..
Guy : x bleh la, i bankgurf..
J : x pa la..
Guy : i bagi rm 18
J : rm 12
Guy : rm 15
J : rm 14..
Guy rm 15..
J: x pa la.
Guy : ok la rm 14 ..
J : ( in the heart ) muajahahahhahahahhahah
my child.. Adam o adam.. hahaha
fun day at the beach.. i look like some aunty taking her children to the beach. hahaha
he la yg i kata umur 20++.. ada badan seorang ballerina.. hahahaha
lol.. the whole family.. lol... BOF!! ball of FIRE ball of FIRE, FIRE FIRE BOOM BOOM POW!!
i tot he was 18, give it up for ISAAC!!!
lol.. i look like sum egyptian person.. lol.. T.T
we hav a reason for dressing weirdly .. we were tormented.. lol, for a game called dress up! lol..
at first i went to dongsaeng's house, ate and everything we went to penang str8.. alright.. i was in the car and my body was so numb.. we can't find the place and luckily we found it.. it was ok la.. at least we had air con.. neways, we met a lot of ppl i was glad i went at that time.. so many ppl.. den i got the same group as SEG and dongsaeng , along with Eddy, Cat, Adam, Sherise, Nitya, Sean, PL, Abby.. wow, one big happy family.. hahahah.. Eddy is the dad, i m the mom, Adam's the child, Abby's the child's wife.. hahaha.. lol.. later u'll know why.. neways, during night time, there's this session " ignite"... ok , for sumbody who is not from the christian society, i was in shocked of wat happened.. ok, this pastor was so hilarious, so funny taught us about the bible, and i was really fascinated by the bible, i even read it when dongsaeng was doing her morning prayers.. so after the talk, she prayed for them, so to my shock was that some cried, some fell down, i was in shocked but some frens explained to me. so after that we went for supper, just beside.. lol.. its expensive man..
the next day started with devotion time for me, it was ok, then games and so on and so forth, i aint gonna bore u with my stories and no pics rite? hahah.. ok.. moving on.. alrite, there's this guy, who to me looks alot like a 20+ year old guy, den some body hit me in the face and told me he was 16,... hahahahaha... wei, bad guessing i guessed... lol.. hahaha neways, we had our ignite ur talent moment, where we did dramas and danced.. ok , no laughing i danced.. hahahaha.. lol.. so embarassed.. lol.. back to me again wakakakakka.. i went to eat again with dongsaeng and went to buy a gift for my mom, for her bd.. and so this guy was like rm 25, i was like so expensive, x mau la...
guy : ok, u bagitau u nak berapa?
J : hmm, lol, u nak bg i free x?
guy : x bleh la, nanti i bankgfurf... ( that's how he said it)... you nak berapa?
J :hmm , u nak bg i berapa?
guy : 23, i bg u rm2 discount..
J ; masih mahal la.. x pa . i p dulu..
Guy : u mau berapa?
J : dongsaeng ar, how much just now that girl sell?
Dongsaeng : rm 15..
J oo, x pa la , i p dulu..
Guy : u mau berapa ni?
J : rm 10..
Guy : x bleh la, i bankgurf..
J : x pa la..
Guy : i bagi rm 18
J : rm 12
Guy : rm 15
J : rm 14..
Guy rm 15..
J: x pa la.
Guy : ok la rm 14 ..
J : ( in the heart ) muajahahahhahahahhahah

last day of schooll... awwwww...
awwww... from the title we know that its a sad story.. hahahaha... ok, the good thing dall this is that no more dealing with dicipline, no more getting scared of getting caught.. no more atoms, molecules and ions, no more based on the observation and definitely no more novel yg telah saya kaji ialah novel .. .. yes!!!
sounds fun and perfect .. No more school! but wat am i missing in the end?
let's see how things go...
i am making it look like i cut my self,, hahaha see who would help me.. hahaha.. PK totally freaked out. hahahaha
hahaah,... ok cute rite? lol.. this is what we look like in class.. syok oo. hahaha
lol.. the best teacher ever had!!! love her... muax... we were supposed to help out others to arrange the chairs for SPM, but we were having more fun here.. hahaha.. 
time SPM when this pic was taken.. lama x jumpa, malu pulak. hahhaha
alot of history with this fren of mine.. she is the best...
wa, SL never take bath ke? so smelly.. hahaha
trust me when i say we argue alot.. a whole lot..
but we love each other so much..
she is one of the most beautiful teachers..
x mau, aku cinta kelas 5 sn 2!!!!!
cikgu paling hensem!!! hehehee
we were planning to do a ss501 pose from the pic.. rasa nya x jadi kut. hahaha
and in the end of the long long day, what's left is only memories we'll cherish forever more, the things we did, the fun we had, and the people we met.
sounds fun and perfect .. No more school! but wat am i missing in the end?
let's see how things go...

hahaah,... ok cute rite? lol.. this is what we look like in class.. syok oo. hahaha

trust me when i say we argue alot.. a whole lot..

Saturday, October 30, 2010
majlis Penghargaan!
Ok, my regrets .. sir asked us to do majlis penghargaan for this year, i din really like the idea is bcoz its our spm year, but in my little heart i can't deny it i had the feeling of wanting to do it. but well its over .. lets start shall i? its like this, hahaha.. we get to go back home early.. and i was to fetch Mimi home ...
so its like this.. Zcho en was suppose to go back home with me and i managed to push SF ( a guy, No i dont hav a crush on him wat so eva, he is just a fren, haha ) anyways, to go home with me to at least take a bath ma.. I am NOT , i repeat NOT a prevert hahaha.. Amir and Naufal went out together with me, and they went into my car lol,.. i was so freaked out.. anyways, some buses blocked my car so i had to reverse out, i can't see the back so SF had to help me by directing from the back, i knew he was useful in someway hahah... anyways.. the annoying parts starts.. ZE sitting in the passanger's seat kept on changing the radio channel, again and again and again , while SF was like change that channel la, no that, no this.. I swear i was going to scream shut up.. After sending Mimi back home, i wasn't sure bout the road, but those two annoying ppl did not help at all, ZE said left, and SF said right, I was about to cry i swear haha.. Anyways, the police was on duty and SF was like OMG omg OMG police how OMG police.. It freaked me out like totally.. haha.. anyways i guessed i was too excited.. when i got back home , i just took the key to the engine off, and the car went back and SF was like u din pull the hand break, i realised i din even change the gear to park.. apart from those minor mistakes, i am an excellent driver ok? ghaha... lol.. den after everything done, i kept looking in the mirror and asking SF and ZE, m i beautiful ? ( i meant what i wore ).. they were like beautiful la beautiful la.. so not serious neways, i was so late + i hav to fetch mimi and cookie, den i knocked onto the stones in sp inn, so paiseh, an indian guy look at me one kind.. hahaha.
lolx... the majlis started without us.. hahaha
ok, u can say it.. i look fat rite? haahha
proudest moment - pengawas terbaik?! hahahha... lol, i shouldn't get it la.. hahahaha
so proud of my sister singing in front of everybody.. hahaha 
one of my fav teachers - cikgu akibi.. hahaha ..... He is one of the few teachers that hav fashion sense
ok we are vain ppl.. last memory ma.. hahaha..
ok, as i said .. we r Vain!!! vanity is my name oo.. hahahahaha
he picked that spot coz he said he'll b surrounded by girls.. lol... hahaha he is rite
we may look 17, hey we act like 10... but what the heck, we are still young at heart.. except awan.. hahaha
te super junior crew.. ok, the good about being the assitant to the head prefect.. u get to use ur power to command juniors to dance sorry sorry.. haha... gud job guys..
we are still one big happy family.. hahaha
ya we are all posers...!!!! hahahaha.. can u spot me??
and that's how we ended things..
so its like this.. Zcho en was suppose to go back home with me and i managed to push SF ( a guy, No i dont hav a crush on him wat so eva, he is just a fren, haha ) anyways, to go home with me to at least take a bath ma.. I am NOT , i repeat NOT a prevert hahaha.. Amir and Naufal went out together with me, and they went into my car lol,.. i was so freaked out.. anyways, some buses blocked my car so i had to reverse out, i can't see the back so SF had to help me by directing from the back, i knew he was useful in someway hahah... anyways.. the annoying parts starts.. ZE sitting in the passanger's seat kept on changing the radio channel, again and again and again , while SF was like change that channel la, no that, no this.. I swear i was going to scream shut up.. After sending Mimi back home, i wasn't sure bout the road, but those two annoying ppl did not help at all, ZE said left, and SF said right, I was about to cry i swear haha.. Anyways, the police was on duty and SF was like OMG omg OMG police how OMG police.. It freaked me out like totally.. haha.. anyways i guessed i was too excited.. when i got back home , i just took the key to the engine off, and the car went back and SF was like u din pull the hand break, i realised i din even change the gear to park.. apart from those minor mistakes, i am an excellent driver ok? ghaha... lol.. den after everything done, i kept looking in the mirror and asking SF and ZE, m i beautiful ? ( i meant what i wore ).. they were like beautiful la beautiful la.. so not serious neways, i was so late + i hav to fetch mimi and cookie, den i knocked onto the stones in sp inn, so paiseh, an indian guy look at me one kind.. hahaha.
lolx... the majlis started without us.. hahaha

one of my fav teachers - cikgu akibi.. hahaha ..... He is one of the few teachers that hav fashion sense

he picked that spot coz he said he'll b surrounded by girls.. lol... hahaha he is rite

te super junior crew.. ok, the good about being the assitant to the head prefect.. u get to use ur power to command juniors to dance sorry sorry.. haha... gud job guys..

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Korean wave !!!

and now a new one - still 2 pm.. the dance moves are killers..

till here, farewell..
terrible mood!

i don't deny it i am having the worst mood ever now.. like if there is a competition for the worst moods in the history of of of forever, i would probably win first place for god knows how many years.. lol... I don't noe wat's wrong.. i am just so easily frustrated and people keep coming up to me saying hey u change, u ok? u seem moody.. and so on... its not that i am not grateful.. i am i am very grateful that u guys concern so much about me,... thank you ... but i am just i don noe really tired lately .. although i don't do anything.. but maybe its bcoz of this blasted weather... or bcoz of my new eating habit.. lol.. i am not sure.. hahah... i noe i scared some of u off, i noe i may go nuts sumtimes... may be the main reason is pressure due to studying,. but i hardly study.. i don't noe.. just feel like going away for a week... and maybe by then things will b ok... i am making an effort too k? hahha....
peace out!

Thursday, September 16, 2010
RAYA! open house! first time.. haha
ok, today is Malaysia's day! is it correct? anyways, my fren had an open house and as a fren, of course la i went with my other frens as well.. but i din go directly, i went to cafe siam to meet up with the guys, so i won't sesat! hahah... it was dangerous on the road thx to DEV.en. hahah... he turn wrong, and everybody turn wrong, the rest motor never mind, car hard to U turn la.. haha.. anyways, we reached.. b4 that , this is how i dressed.
.so what u think? hahaha..
this is at nasha's house.. very cozy, we ate alot, got satay, chicken and mee! yum to the mee! .. sedap!!!
my baju almost same like her's .. haha...
i was the only chinese, and deven was the only indian! really 1 malaysia man.. hhahaa..
chocolate cake nasha sedap.. yum... awan makan byk cake! satay!but for real, chocolate cake tu sedap sgt la.. even hafiz went to ask nasha beli ke buat sendiri.. haha...
we din stay long there la, abis makan , chit chat a bit, talk bout piranha, and we cabut! hahaha.. went to pn norliah's house! jauh!..
makan lagi! hahaha... dat's y when i got back home, my kebaya was so damn tight.. haha.. the juice was nice.. that place of white white thing, is nasi sumting... add with the kuah nice.. i just knew.. thx kucai for explaining.. haha.. next time bawa la kuih p skol for me! with label... hahah
after stuffing our selves, again.. haha.. we dh letih.. sleepy! hahaha...
den we said our gudbyes, and i went home, i almost couldn't y? coz i turn the wrong corner... i almost went to butter worth, T.T lucky me for looking at the signs, after phoning Hazmi who din angkat, i str8 U turn and pray that its the right road, and lucky me it was... if not, i would be phoning my mommy crying for help.. i am really going to ronda2 abit d.. hahaha .. join me la.. haha.. That's it for malaysia day raya!
i was the only chinese, and deven was the only indian! really 1 malaysia man.. hhahaa..
den we said our gudbyes, and i went home, i almost couldn't y? coz i turn the wrong corner... i almost went to butter worth, T.T lucky me for looking at the signs, after phoning Hazmi who din angkat, i str8 U turn and pray that its the right road, and lucky me it was... if not, i would be phoning my mommy crying for help.. i am really going to ronda2 abit d.. hahaha .. join me la.. haha.. That's it for malaysia day raya!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
my sweat money! literally!
ok, so this girl came up to me in school and gave me a notice to work at <3 <3 place... so like i was like ok, working is a good experience for me... at least let me change my princess attitude.. ok, so during my trials i went to the toilet to phone this person and ask for the details and everything settle i say ok, but this time i went solo! i didn't go with my chinese gang nor malay gang.. just me !
shocked? yup, even i shock my self sumtimes.. i am finally independent.. haha
ok , this lady phone me to confirm again a week b4 the function.. i hav to say sorry to her, u noe why? its was the holidays b4 raya k, cs was full of ppl and i was driving to find a parking space, but NO!! so i went to the opposite side, den more and more cars came, and andrew and grace kept on phoning me, so when the lady phoned : hello? .. i was like: haiyoo, what? ( frustrated) lady: ni JOyce ke? sini <3<3... i was like oh sh!t... me : hi, ya ada apa? ( with my fake tone) hahaha.. den everything settle.. the day finally came!
ok so i went to that place, and was like : miss saya ni part time,who should i go to? she was like : sat... den this guy came he was like : please go to talk to .. ... ... i was like huh? what kind of name is tat? fine, i went and guess wat ?
they gave me a bow tie! wakakakak. so damn funny and i have to wear their vest... omg? i look i like a.. ... T.T anyways, i was definitely shocked that i was the only girl working at that place... really, i don't think that that job is a girl's job... so damn tiring... but hey, this just proves that i can do anything i set my mind to it rite? haha... den along side me was these 3 malay guys, whom i feel i've seen b4 but dunnoe where... ok, so hehehe.. i must talk first rite as i am the only one and they are a part of my team so i asked them wat was i to do... and everything den, we exchange names and so on la.. haha... this guy was sweet, he has a goatee though.. haha.. but anyways they help me out alot the whole time, almost spilled some gravvy on a guy but hahaha, nothing happened.. it was really a hard job, there were these myanmar workers.. and for the last time i am MALAYSIAN! ok? lol....
at the end, people were like good to me, i guess that's the perks for being the only girl in the whole staff for that function... and omg, those guests kept staring at me like i am a piece of meat, PEOPLE, i ain't no show girl ok? @#$% ... hahaha... one even said goodbye to me, omg ... crazy.. T.T hahaha... anyways we were all clearing tables by 11... and den got our daily salary..great! hahah... and this myanmar worker and his fren who speaks malay came to me while i was drinking water, and said - kawan saya ( the myanmar) nak tau nama awak. i just shook my head and all of a sudden my name is Sombong... not a bad name.. and the guy really told his frens i am Sombong... Hi, nice to meet u people, i change my name to sombong now.. wakakaka... anyways, he said that i was cute, lol... i was so tired tat time i was like thanks.. and he ask i ada bf x? i str8 away say ada2... sumtimes a little lie won't hurt rite? hahaha... everybody there likes smoking.. i stood quite far, and even the three nice malay boys... i was quite disappointed la... hahah... after my salary, i went home str8 .. online then sleep... now my whole body ache like hell.. hahaha...
shocked? yup, even i shock my self sumtimes.. i am finally independent.. haha
ok , this lady phone me to confirm again a week b4 the function.. i hav to say sorry to her, u noe why? its was the holidays b4 raya k, cs was full of ppl and i was driving to find a parking space, but NO!! so i went to the opposite side, den more and more cars came, and andrew and grace kept on phoning me, so when the lady phoned : hello? .. i was like: haiyoo, what? ( frustrated) lady: ni JOyce ke? sini <3<3... i was like oh sh!t... me : hi, ya ada apa? ( with my fake tone) hahaha.. den everything settle.. the day finally came!
ok so i went to that place, and was like : miss saya ni part time,who should i go to? she was like : sat... den this guy came he was like : please go to talk to .. ... ... i was like huh? what kind of name is tat? fine, i went and guess wat ?
they gave me a bow tie! wakakakak. so damn funny and i have to wear their vest... omg? i look i like a.. ... T.T anyways, i was definitely shocked that i was the only girl working at that place... really, i don't think that that job is a girl's job... so damn tiring... but hey, this just proves that i can do anything i set my mind to it rite? haha... den along side me was these 3 malay guys, whom i feel i've seen b4 but dunnoe where... ok, so hehehe.. i must talk first rite as i am the only one and they are a part of my team so i asked them wat was i to do... and everything den, we exchange names and so on la.. haha... this guy was sweet, he has a goatee though.. haha.. but anyways they help me out alot the whole time, almost spilled some gravvy on a guy but hahaha, nothing happened.. it was really a hard job, there were these myanmar workers.. and for the last time i am MALAYSIAN! ok? lol....
at the end, people were like good to me, i guess that's the perks for being the only girl in the whole staff for that function... and omg, those guests kept staring at me like i am a piece of meat, PEOPLE, i ain't no show girl ok? @#$% ... hahaha... one even said goodbye to me, omg ... crazy.. T.T hahaha... anyways we were all clearing tables by 11... and den got our daily salary..great! hahah... and this myanmar worker and his fren who speaks malay came to me while i was drinking water, and said - kawan saya ( the myanmar) nak tau nama awak. i just shook my head and all of a sudden my name is Sombong... not a bad name.. and the guy really told his frens i am Sombong... Hi, nice to meet u people, i change my name to sombong now.. wakakaka... anyways, he said that i was cute, lol... i was so tired tat time i was like thanks.. and he ask i ada bf x? i str8 away say ada2... sumtimes a little lie won't hurt rite? hahaha... everybody there likes smoking.. i stood quite far, and even the three nice malay boys... i was quite disappointed la... hahah... after my salary, i went home str8 .. online then sleep... now my whole body ache like hell.. hahaha...
Monday, August 30, 2010
my way to perfection...
ok, i noe to some of u out there i m not the type that want things to be perfect.. i am not the type to make everything beautiful.. but when it comes to things important to me, when it comes to my life , my stuff.. i am very particular in these things.. when i want something so damn badly, to make my life better, i'll do it till the end, but sadly there is not much that i feel the nid to do so... if u are good to me, and i feel that i want you in my life as a fren as my lover, as my gurdian as my anybody, i'll be there for u always, i'll ask u if u are ok, i'll ask u if u nid my help... but to those i don't feel the nid to do so, yes, i'll just smile at u, don't get me wrong, i'll still help u when u are in nid, when u feel the nid to talk, but my part i won't go to u, i won't start a conversation first... i won't be the first to do anything at all... i am passive acknowledge tat... i am not good at new things, going to new places... unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar sights..
i want things in my life to be just prefect like what i dream... I want to go higher places... I can't stop at one place if i noe i hav the potential to go further, even if i am tired of walking... I'll still walk and walk and walk... until who knows where... when i wrote an essay on my future husband, OMG, he sounded perfect... seriously.. but i guess its just a fiction.. i wanted a handsome smart, caring and all perfect husband talented musically... WOW!!! in love with mr perfect, but u think ? i doubt that will happen... now i just find guys who are ok looking, better than normal , or other people say hot irritating... really.. now i feel that my dream guy will never exist.. like OMG.. guys say that girls who are beautiful are dumb, ugly girls are smart... same like that concept, Hot guys are useless, Not hot guys are damn caring people.. so my perfect life is not so perfect i guess... I won't be surprise if i marry a fat bald guy with no money .... hmm... I'll just have to work hard den.. T.T gagaga... ok ok... arh!!!
saja post sumting... haha
i want things in my life to be just prefect like what i dream... I want to go higher places... I can't stop at one place if i noe i hav the potential to go further, even if i am tired of walking... I'll still walk and walk and walk... until who knows where... when i wrote an essay on my future husband, OMG, he sounded perfect... seriously.. but i guess its just a fiction.. i wanted a handsome smart, caring and all perfect husband talented musically... WOW!!! in love with mr perfect, but u think ? i doubt that will happen... now i just find guys who are ok looking, better than normal , or other people say hot irritating... really.. now i feel that my dream guy will never exist.. like OMG.. guys say that girls who are beautiful are dumb, ugly girls are smart... same like that concept, Hot guys are useless, Not hot guys are damn caring people.. so my perfect life is not so perfect i guess... I won't be surprise if i marry a fat bald guy with no money .... hmm... I'll just have to work hard den.. T.T gagaga... ok ok... arh!!!
saja post sumting... haha
Thursday, August 12, 2010
note to self!
things come and go , and i m that type who can't let go of the past, and not willing to move forward, i am still young and i have lots more to do. nothing happened between me and you nothing happened between us, no special connections , no special relationship no special feelings.. we are two normal people and will always be like that...
i have my own principles in life... i can't change them i am very old fashion, sometimes wild sometimes crazy, but my principles and still there, and i would never dream of crossing it..
i hate liars, i hate cheaters... i hate it when u play with me. i hate it that i seem stupid, i hate it that you think that everything is okay and what you do is okay, i hate it that you are so care free while i am to one going around sweating like hell..
i hate it that i have to share, i hate it that you think its okay to have more that one, i hate it that i am not the one on top , i hate when i have to fight , i hate it that i have to b the best as it is tiring.
i hate it when i am accused. i hate it when people say that i did things that are bad when all i did was nothing, i hate when i was said to be a girl who have no morals no principles, i hate when u do that...
i hate it when you yell at me, i hate it when your voice go high and you start to get angry at me , i hate it when you use that tone on me, i hate it bcoz i am afraid of it.. I hate it when you get mad, at me or not, i hate it...
i hate it that you can not cannot do what i hate.. i hate it..
i have my own principles in life... i can't change them i am very old fashion, sometimes wild sometimes crazy, but my principles and still there, and i would never dream of crossing it..
i hate liars, i hate cheaters... i hate it when u play with me. i hate it that i seem stupid, i hate it that you think that everything is okay and what you do is okay, i hate it that you are so care free while i am to one going around sweating like hell..
i hate it that i have to share, i hate it that you think its okay to have more that one, i hate it that i am not the one on top , i hate when i have to fight , i hate it that i have to b the best as it is tiring.
i hate it when i am accused. i hate it when people say that i did things that are bad when all i did was nothing, i hate when i was said to be a girl who have no morals no principles, i hate when u do that...
i hate it when you yell at me, i hate it when your voice go high and you start to get angry at me , i hate it when you use that tone on me, i hate it bcoz i am afraid of it.. I hate it when you get mad, at me or not, i hate it...
i hate it that you can not cannot do what i hate.. i hate it..
Saturday, August 7, 2010
sweet ! sixteen.. not mine though..XP
FUN!! is all i can say although i went back early... don't blame me, i have school.. i heard the ended round 11 ++... hehehe... wish i could hav stayed longer... there were reasons y i left not entirely just for school... the reasons will always be with me, not for sharing.. sorry..haha...
ok. i dressed like so, but without the over size specs..hehe... not the coolest dressing but i m comfortable in it.. haha...
moha, she looks like MJ to me in this pic... agree?
wow, cool beads! hahaha...
ok, b4 u comment on anything, no they are not gays...hahah... they are so cute like that...hahaha... especially wish.. to me he looks drunk that night...hahaha....
FARINA!!! love her so damn much... i dun noe y, but just love her.. no not lesbian kinda love... normal fren-y love la...hahaa...
ok, so these guys went up stage and starts dancing... aliff was the best.. so damn funny... hahaha.. cute cute cute!!!
ok, i look like a ...... ..... .... hahaha... neways, my review of the party... the food damn nice, and everything bout it... fabulous... love it...
a lil dance they put up spontaneously ... damn hilarious.. never regret going;..wakakaakaka
a lil dance they put up spontaneously ... damn hilarious.. never regret going;..wakakaakaka
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