friday nite's event..
my god, i went at 5 to prepare for some stuff there.. well i am in the commity .... anyways... i din do much.. but i help little here and there... i get to be the temporary journalist...haha... first it started with ucapan ..blah blah blah... den dancing... see those adorable children :

after that was wushu den others... i was busy preparing for the next segment... after all that we went up and wished every body.. of course i wasnt in there...

i met with my old fren there... damn he's tall... one head./..T.T and a very long tongue...

so cute.. just adorable... there were a lot of children and may i say it with them i can also be a children and i like that...haha...
after the hustles and bustles, we went out to it in sejati with of course the jitra-ians... ahaha... and of course my frens bf came... but they didn't talk... and i ain't gonna worsen my time, so i played with a new friend i met.. hahaha... its so damn hilarious... wakakakaka

forgot to mention i was pregnant for that day...hahaha.... and it was hard being pregnant...haha...

despite my happy face we were all damn tired...

haha.. awww. so sweet... they are both gay... hahaha.. my final conclusion...haha... no they are not la... if u think they are shame on u, stand in the corner for 24 hours to think bout ur wrong...haha...
XD, tongue monster!
Nice that i could see you and SL still, haha..
hahaha.. i am so glad u still remember us/.. hahaha
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