just a few hours and the room is a mess... terrible la ..haha...

second day - rehearsal day, but not until 2.30 la... so after breakfast we had plenty of time, and what four single girls can do in a room??? hahaha bingo.... we start talking ... bout what? well, it secret...blek!!! wakakakaka.... after that... lunch... and the rehearsal.... we went to dewan milenium d but the rehearsal time was terribly delayed so we had to wait... we started taking out the camera...and u noe the rest right? during rehearsal ... i suddenly was scared coz the stage was damn big,.... after 4, me azad and shuba went back to sp and do our hair and fetch shen yee... we ot the smoke machine and went back just in time for dinner... with my "bouncy" hair.... everybody was definitely looking at me...hahaha.... we went out and went to KFC again.... really getting sick of it... ate 2 days d... when me han ni and azad got back to the hotel... hohoho... we saw blue shirt guy.. and azad help us... and he turn out to be GAY!!!! OMG..... our dreams had shattered ... but we moved on fast with a new target...wakakakaka... Mr chin wakakakaka...

the lobby's toilet.... the cam-whoring starts...

ok drama poster...

third day - our big day... well... we make up and cam-whored the whole morning and loaded our stuff and went for the big event... the reason we came... and i was nervous and scared and i went to toilet for at least four times b4 the competition....

really enjoyed my self and i really love it there.... i love u guys there so much... muacks...
Hmm, i love this shot - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_n_Raunix-Rc/SuHET3tagvI/AAAAAAAAAZQ/PSk-F7mUlSo/s400/jo+181.jpg.
Whoa, jordan pun ada pergi? Lol, supportive seniors you guys have >.<
hahaha.. i noe .. and i am so happy that i hav supportive seniors...
remember the luggage bag.. pity dat girl
yaya... agreed..kesian br je amik balik..
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