KEM WAJA DIRI - a place where i made stupid decisions... ya u noe wat i mean... a place where i was a fool, but i still had fun.. i noe my weakness and i actually learnt from it slowly... no more making the same mistake... and it was fun bullying those of the same age...wakakkaka... i noe i am evil.
RENTAS DESA - this year i got 6.. its really gud for me... and i was really happy .. and i represented my school and i forgot i gt how much d.. but not bad d la.. i think 50 sumting... all though i felt like dying it was an experience i won't forget...HARI SUKAN - i won quite a number of medals but none of them is gold.. hey, can u blame me, i was competing against Aina... but i got to represent my school for MSSM(D) .. i've always wanted to represent for the competition... although i lost terribly in that 400 meter.. but it was wat i wanted and i got it... i am not a gud athlete just the fake ones, who can win when there is not real competition... haha

NATIONALS - i admit, i b!t*h a lot during this time, went gaga over nothing ... made me crazy.. i miss nationals yes... and i let go off everything here... i was happy when it ended as there will be no more drama, and i was sad coz there was no more drama...
HARI ANUGERAH CEMERLANG - i took this b4 receiving a prize from the sultanah for 8 As..
BYE BYE VIJAY - after our state drama competition, hanni and i went to seventeen with them for a farewell party for Vijay.. now i hav no one to poke hahaha...

Alot of gud stuff happened to me this year, gud stuff as in external stuff like being an athlete , actress , TKP2 and all... and alot of emotional struggles came with all that... 2010 has come, time to let go and let live... au revoir....