since lots of people can drive.. and alot of people sit my car, some of you complain about my bad driving habits, some , well they don't there say anything coz they noe very wisely that i am the one behind the wheels if u noe wat i mean. hahaha.. ok .. what horrid habits i hav u say.. we shall discuss it now..

ok.. i don't talk like :" hi, no, u din. u bad girl, did u hear tat she broke up with him? NO, u di-n girl fren.. ".. i just merely answer it and say : " woi, aku driving ni! ".. ok, i'll just stop doing dat, even if i stop at the traffic light.. XD

ok, dis i gotta admit, its wrong.. but i do it often.. sorry... dear grim reaper please don't come and find me TT ... i promise to not text and drive again.. so stop texting me if i m late, u guys!

ok, i don't apply makeup on my face, really i don't... trust me.. i just comb my hair here and there.. look into the mirror once in a while , often.. hey, who noes maybe that guy i hav a crush on is beside my car? rite? ok, i'll stop that habit as well.. T^T

muahahahahahaha,.. dis i do often.. NO, not tat way like in this pic, if i do that, i m gonna get my self whacked.. lol. i sometimes say bad things, but not the usually thing guys say, i say things like damn, WTH, and stuff.. its not polite, and really am trying to control tat habit of mine, but i do that only when ... ( look down )

this happens.. or, when some terrible driver, drives!

lol.. i don't do tat! HA! so that's a bad habit of mine, and i am warning u guys who are going to sit my car, dun u ever dare eat in my car, or else .. ... ... u are walking.. i m too lazy to clean my car.. hehehe

dis i don't do.. when stopping at the traffic light, the distance between my car and the car in front can fit a kancil, even a myvi.. trust me.. hahaha.. but others just love to tail gate my car !! i dun noe if u like my car, or me la, but seriously one day if u come so close to my car, i am going to reverse it! lol..

ok, this drifting rite, erm i seldom, erm, occasionally, i think sometimes, or frequently, ok la always can not? do it.. hahaha.. wat can i say, i am an excellent but dangerous driver? hehehehe.. ok ok, i'll stop tat too.. hmpmhh.. ble.. :P
i promise to stop all this terrible habits! so newbie drivers, dun learn!